UI Tax Staff Unit Information

If You Need Help With . . .

TopicPhone NumberHow To Submit Request
Forms 573-751-1995, opt. 1 esuicallback@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
New Account Registration 573-751-1995, opt. 1 esuicallback@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
Reportable Wages 573-751-1995, opt. 2 esuicallback@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
Magnetic Wage Reporting 573-751-2271 MagneticReporting@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
UInteract Assistance 573-751-1995  
Benefit Charges 573-751-4034 BenefitCharges@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
Tax Rates and Voluntary Contributions 573-751-1995, opt 2 TaxRates@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
Late Wage Reports or Payments 573-751-1995, opt. 3   
Adjustments to Reported Wages 573-751-1995, opt. 2 ReportableWages@labor.mo.gov(link sends email) 
Refunds 573-751-1995, opt 2 Refunds@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
Reimbursable Accounts 573-751-1995, opt 2 ReimbursableBilling@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
Reimbursable Accounts 573-751-1995, opt 2 ReimbursableChange@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
Changes To/From Reimbursable Payment Method
Wage and Payment Certification to the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) 573-751-1785 IRSCertification@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
Change of Mailing Address 573-751-1995, opt. 1 EmployerAddressChange@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
Reporting that a Business No Longer Has Employees 573-751-1995, opt. 1 NoEmployees@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
Reporting a Change in Business Ownership 573-751-1995, opt. 1 BusinessChange@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)
Power of Attorney 573-751-1995, opt. 1 changeofaddress@labor.mo.gov(link sends email)