Expand each of the divisions below for contact information.
Employment Security (Unemployment)
CALL: 800-320-2519
MESSAGE: esuicallback@labor.mo.gov
421 East Dunklin
P.O. Box 59
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0059
Fax: 573-751-4945
To file for Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefits or to get Claims Information, contact a Regional Claim Center (RCC):
Toll Free: 800-320-2519
Jefferson City: 573-751-9040
Kansas City: 816-889-3101
Springfield: 417-895-6851
St. Louis: 314-340-4950
Appeal Information: 573-751-3913
Report Worker Misclassification: 573-751-1099
UInteract Employer Contact: 573-751-1995
Benefit Overpayment Questions: 573-751-4058
Benefit Overpayment Repayment Plan: 573-751-4058
Request Confidential Documents: confidentialrequest@labor.mo.gov or 573-526-4464
Switchboard: 573-751-3215
Workers' Compensation
421 East Dunklin St.
P.O. Box 58
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0058
Telephone: 573-751-4231
Fax: 573-751-2012
E-mail: workerscomp@labor.mo.gov
Information Line: 800-775-2667
Dispute Management Unit: 573-526-4951
Case Management Unit: 800-775-2667
Insurance Unit: 573-526-3692
Benefits Unit - Rehabilitation & Second Injury Fund: 573-526-3505
Fraud and Noncompliance: 800-592-6003
Medical Fee Disputes: 800-775-2667
Religious Exceptions: 573-526-6630
Labor Standards
P.O. Box 449
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0449
Telephone: 573-751-3403
Fax: 573-751-3721
Email: laborstandards@labor.mo.gov
Mine and Cave Safety Email: mineandcavesafety@labor.mo.gov
Worker Safety Email: MWSP@labor.mo.gov
On-Site Email: safetyconsultation@labor.mo.gov
Wage and Hour: 573-751-3403
On-Site Safety & Health Consultation: 573-522-SAFE(7233)
Mine and Cave Safety and Health: 573-522-2917
Missouri Workers' Safety Program: 573-526-5757
Human Rights Commission
421 East Dunklin Street
P.O. Box 1129
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1129
Telephone: 573-751-3325
Fax: 573-751-2905
Toll Free: 877-781-4236
E-mail: mchr@labor.mo.gov
Toll Free Complaint Hotline: 1-877-781-4236
Relay Missouri: 711
(TDD) 1-800-735-2966
(Voice) 1-800-735-2466
State Board of Mediation
421 East Dunklin
P.O. Box 2071
Jefferson City, MO 65102-2071
Telephone: 573-751-3614
Fax: 573-751-0083
E-mail: sbm@labor.mo.gov
Labor Commission
421 East Dunklin
P.O. Box 599
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0599
Telephone: 573-751-2461
Fax: 573-751-7806
E-mail: lirc@labor.mo.gov
Department Administration
421 East Dunklin St.
P.O. Box 504
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0504
Telephone: 573-751-4091
Fax: 573-751-4135
E-mail: diroffice@labor.mo.gov
Media Inquiries
Email: Communications