We must understand why, when and how workplace injuries and fatalities happen. Then, we can target the problem areas and initiate solutions to lower the number of workplace accidents.


 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecYTD Total
Injury Incidents8,3417,2767,0227,6247,7617,3887,5427,9217,3767,6125,8204,26585,948
Lost Time Incidents883692663703627651627522471437250636,589



 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecYTD Total
Injury Incidents7,3037,2427,4647,1227,8027,8157,4818,3247,4577,5516,7236,01188,295
Lost Time Incidents7637087126746276335816665344923242206,934


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Enter a Year, either this year or last year; select an Industry and click the Search by Industry button to see results.

Search Workplace Injury Data by County/State

Enter a Year, either this year or last year; select a County and click the Search by County button to see results.

This information represents data collected by the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to aid in reducing workplace incidents and fatalities. It contains data that may include incidents that occurred in other states. Due to statutory reporting requirements, all injuries may not have been reported as of the date the data was analyzed due to reporting lag. No personal information has been shared or released in the creation of this resource.

We can help you determine how to use this information for a safer workplace and can provide additional data for your industry or county.

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